1988 began an new hobby in the BBS world. I had a modem and dialed into a local BBS (electronic Bulletin Board System) called Mos Back Door operated By Gregg Maroney. I decided that I should have a BBS. I wanted a way to release the fire department software that I was writing and this looked like the way to go. Sparky was the dog that rode on the fire truck and this was my corner of the world hence was SparkysCorner BBS was born. I started with a 300 baud modem and graduated to a 1200 baud modem read more
Suspendisse pharetra auctor pharetra. Nunc a sollicitudin est.
Donec vel neque in neque porta venenatis sed sit amet lectus.
Curabitur ullamcorper gravida felis, sit amet scelerisque lorem iaculis sed.
Nunc a sollicitudin est. Curabitur ullamcorper gravida felis, sit amet scelerisque lorem iaculis sed. Donec vel neque in neque porta venenatis sed sit amet lectus.